Dear Diary,
Yesterday, Shinichi reminded his crucial memories. During his younger years in the Kanto region in Japan (around Tokyo), he developed a love for Hokkaido. At 13, Shinichi stumbled upon a captivating brochure about Hokkaido, carefully crafted by the municipal government to entice immigrants from different parts of Japan. This serendipitous encounter ignited an insatiable curiosity within him, firmly planting the seeds of his profound fascination for this remarkable region. Shinichi loved seeing snow. On the mainland (Honshu), the view covered by snow-white is rare. For example, most snow in Tokyo accumulates less than 10 centimetres.
In 1999, while his peers were studying for college or university, Shinichi was uncertain about his career path. At this crucial moment, his mother suggested, “You should move to Hokkaido. Tokyo is too overwhelming and unsafe.” Shinichi agreed with her opinion and moved to Hokkaido as a student in March 2000.
It was time to fly. Back in 2012, Shinichi has drawn to Canada. As it happens, he checked the safety of other countries first. His first impressions of Canada are safe, gentle, and unique. Like a Hokkaido!
Currently, Shinichi is very interested in Ottawa. As readers know, Ottawa is the capital of Canada. There are a lot of museums that can be attractive to visitors. In particular, the Tulip Festival and Rideau Canal are iconic symbols in Ottawa.
Shinichi has decided to plan to visit Ottawa within five years. He would have liked to check realistic information, atmosphere, and safety.