- Title: Why Do Successful People Often Talk to Themselves?
- Author: Toshinori Kato
- Genre: Psychology
- Published: 2024 Mar (English is not available)
- Japanese Book: Yes (なぜうまくいく人は「ひとり言」が多いのか?)
- Translator: No
Toshinori Kato is a renowned neurologist in Japan. He published numerous books about utilizing potential abilities in our brains through his unique analysis. One of his published books, “Amazing Left-Handers (すごい左利き),” which was released in September 2021, offers unique perspectives. Shinichi, a bilingual writer, was surprised about this book about their talents showcased because of the development of their feelings in the right brain.
In this book, Toshinori summarized in these six chapters as follows:
- The Amazing Effects on A Brain by Self-Talking
- Brain and Self-Talk Relations
- Positive and Negative Self-Talk for The Brain
- How to Use Self-Talk in 5 Steps to Unlock Your Potential.
- Effective Self-Talk Techniques for Morning, Daytime, and Nighttime.
- Developed their Brains Through Self-Talk
In this book, Toshinori Kato explains how to treat self-talk for readers who frequently engage in internal dialogue. For example, he emphasizes that individuals speaking to themselves by using positive language can lead to a positive mindset. In addition, Toshiyuki discusses how most people can find what they would like to consider opinions or topics honestly.
Shinichi, the bilingual writer, also faced challenges in communicating effectively with others. He sometimes worried about unintentionally using words that he perhaps impolite to others. Self-taking helped his thinking mind, logical thinking by his left brain and emotional thinking by his right brain. He often studies for the IELTS test to keep both mental balances. Shinichi also explains some self-talk is the best method as follows.
(267 words)
P.S. Japanese original titles of chapters are below.
- ひとり言のすごい脳活効果
- ひとり言と脳の関係
- 脳に「良いひとり言」と脳に「悪いひとり言」
- 潜在能力が開花するひとり言5段活用
- 朝・昼・夜 時間別・効果的なひとり言
- ひとり言による自分脳改革